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  • Dennis

A Business Invitation


My name is Dennis… Dennis Juanir and this is my lovely wife, Arlene.

We are one of many people who come here to the United States to seek fortune. Not to enrich ourselves selfishly and live a life of opulence and grandeur. But we sought the opportunities offered in this wonderful country to help our families in our home country the Philippines.

We were able to work as Registered Nurses. Established our roots here and were blessed with 2 wonderful boys.

Our life was comfortable, but one thing we noticed is our combined paychecks were just enough to get us through to the next paycheck, month after month.

We began investing in real estate in 2006. My wife became a Real Estate broker in 2009 for we were mesmerized by the allures of the real estate business. But lo and behold, it was a sad mistake… We lost money, we lost the properties we invested in, plus we drowned in so much debt! Barely enough to survive.

Until back in 2010, we were blessed to be introduced to a remarkable advertising business by a Civil Engineer. It was an answer to our prayers!

In one year, we were able to pay off all our debts! And began earning a six-figure income in 2 years time.

We are looking for people, who are and have experienced our same dire situation and are looking… praying for a solution to their financial problems.

We very much understand that this business is not for everyone. For this business will need one’s commitment to learn, a readiness to pour hard work and consistent diligence. But mind you, the reward for doing so and partnering with us, is financial freedom that you have not imagined possible.

This is not an MLM, we do not sell products, no inventory to maintain, nor do we collect money, and this business does not require a huge capital investment.

If you are ready to change your life, and gain your financial dreams, then Private Message us and let us talk.

Thank you.

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