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  • Dennis

Tired of working 12 hours five times a week

​Our nurses are working long shifts (8-hours, 12-hour shifts), 3-5 times a week. Some even taking a second job to supplement their income.

Working like this takes a toll on their bodies and personally I've seen several of my colleagues experience work injuries because of the rigors of the demand of the job. But they slog on and endure the pain, the long hours and sleepless days. We have families to take care too. Kids to send off to school, cook breakfast lunch and dinners, keep our houses clean and tidy.

You may hear us complain, but it's just a soft whine. A cathartic venting to ease the daily hardships.

Whatever race, color, creed... whatever hospital, clinic, department you may be. I salute you my fellow NURSES! Your contributions to the welfare of many shall not go quietly unnoticed!

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