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  • Writer's pictureArlene Abagon

Four important principles we can learn from Children

We can learn something very important from children. Jim Rohn wrote in his essay titled: “4 Things You Can Learn From Your Child”. And from that article, we can pick up some relevant nuggets to a successful career in an at-home business.

The first is CURIOSITY. Children could never stop learning about “things” because there were always things they didn’t know about and wanted to. They constantly ask questions about the moon, the stars, where babies come from and even about God. Some of their questions may even make us uncomfortable at times. Sometimes even to the point where they would take risks that we as adults would never do. “Mommy, what if become an astronaut and fly to the sun? I am learning this business with a child-like curiosity everyday!

The second is EXCITEMENT. Nothing is more gratifiying than seeing my sons' excitement! It will melt your heart AND it can grow your business. Call on your inner child and get excited. Get excited about your life, your family, your decision and your business. Get excited (and celebrate) the victories of your business and your team. Children have no problem getting excited about a wide range of different things and that is good for their mental and even their physical health. How could excitement possibly not be good for your at-home business? The answer is excitement is the secret to building a healthy business… any business. So get excited everyday.

Third is FAITH. Children are believers. Adults grow into skeptics and, at their worst, cynics. Have you ever had the experience of being around someone or people that see every situation as a “glass half empty”? Is there anything worse? Kids are believers and what they believe is that things are going to get better and better because they have faith in the positive. That childlike faith can be an indispensable asset in ANY business. I believe that I can make people I meet really understand the quality of the products and/or the opportunity of my business model.

I have faith in that! Only when you adopt that kind of positive mindset will you move forward without looking over your shoulder for the next “bad” thing to happen. You must believe… have faith, in the manner of a child, to keep looking ahead without any doubts about the commitment you have made and the success that is inevitable.

And finally, there is TRUST. There is an internal trust in children that they have in everything they hear, say and do. Adults consider this limitless trust naiveté and label it as a weakness. What that leads to is an inability to trust… in anything. Your business should be grounded on trust from the beginning. You do what you are supposed to do week after week, month after month and success happens. And it does time after time… month after month.

Your CEO promised better working conditions for your department. You trust that they will and in most cases, if you fulfill your promises to them, they give you the leadership that is necessary to assure your success. They have made commitments to you and others. You trust in all these things like a child trusts that breakfast will be available each morning before school. If you are unable to trust in those things, you may have made a poor choice from the beginning.

So, observe the trust that lives in your children or, if you’re young enough, remember it in yourself and understand that it is a valuable tool in developing your business. There is no risk in trusting the people and the things that have never let you down. Children understand that, that is why they are so good at being kids. They have trust. They have faith. They have excitement. And they have curiosity.

Keep these thoughts to heart and you will enable yourself to focus on an incredible future with your at-home business and an exponentially happier life in all of its dimensions, not just business. These four childlike attributes will improve your personal, family and professional relationships in ways you can’t imagine.

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